Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

Ini Cerita Naruto Part II ( Naruto Shippuden)

Setelah hampir 3 tahun, Naruto kembali ke Konoha dengan penampilan yang baru. Dia bertemu dengan para penduduk konoha yang sudah lama tidak ditemuinya. Kakashi lalu menemui Naruto dan Sakura untuk mengetes mereka, dan berakhir dengan kemenangan Naruto dan Sakura. Setelah tim kembali dibentuk mereka langsung mendapatkan misi mengejutkan, menyelamatkan Gaara dari tangan organisasi misterius bernama Akatsuki.

Penyelamatan Gaara
Tim Kakashi yang mendapat misi penyelamatan Gaara langsung berangkat menuju Sunagakure. Mereka berangkat terburu-buru dan bertemu Temari yang langsung ikut bersama mereka. Setelah sampai di Suna, mereka mendapati Kankuro terkena racun mematikan oleh Sasori. Para ninja medis sudah menyerah kepada kondisi Kankuro mendapat berkah ketika tim Kakashi datang dan Sakura berhasil mentralisir racun yang ada di dalam tubuh Kankuro. Mereka lalu mencari keberadaan Akatsuki ditemani oleh nenek Chiyo. Ditengah-tengah perjalanan mereka dicegat oleh Itachi Uchiha. Pertarungan pun tidak bisa dihindarkan. Setelah mereka berhasil mengatasinya, akhirnya Naruto berhasil sampai ke persembunyian Akatsuki dan menerobos masuk. Tubuh Gaara yang sudah mati dibawa kabur oleh Deidara, salah satu anggota Akatsuki.[1][2]
Naruto dan Kakashi mengejar Deidara, sementara Chiyo dan Sakura menghadapi Sasori.Sasori berhasil dikalahkan oleh Nenak Chiyo dan Sakura.Dia mati dengan cara ditusuk jantungnya oleh pedang yang di tusukkan oleh ke-2 orang tuanya(boneka).Naruto dan Kakashi lalu mengejar Deidara yang menaiki burung tanah liat membawa Gaara. Kakashi akhirnya berhasil memojokkan Deidara dengan menggunakan Mangekyou Sharingan miliknya.[3] Naruto dengan segera menghajar Deidara habis-habisan, tetapi dia berhasil lolos. Tim Guy yang akhirnya bisa menyusul berhasil memojokkan deidara untuk kedua kalinya. Deidara yang kehabisan akal lalu meledakkan dirinya, yang ternyata klon tanah liat dan melarikan diri.[4] Gaara yang sudah tidak terselamatkan, dihidupkan kembali oleh nenek Chiyo, dengan ganti nyawanya sendiri. Dan setelah Gaara hidup kembali semua ninja Sunapun datang untuk menyusul Naruto, Kakashi, dan Sakura

Sesudah itu pencarian SasukeSetelah pertempuran melelahkan melawan dua anggota Akatsuki, Naruto dkk. kembali ke Konoha. Kakashi yang tidak bisa bergerak akibat menggunakan Mangekyou Sharingan dirawat di rumah sakit dan digantikan sementara oleh juniornya, Yamato. Yamato, Naruto, dan Sakura menjadi tim baru, dan membutuhkan 1 orang lagi. Ternyata satu orang tersebut adalah Sai, yang pernah menyerang Naruto.[6] Baik naruto maupun sakura tidak menyukainya karena mulutnya yang kasar dan sikap tidak berperasaannya. Tim Yamato lalu diberi misi untuk melakukan kontak dengan mata-mata Sasori di Jembatan Tenchikyou. Dalam perjalanan Naruto dan Sai terus bertengkar, keadaan ini diperburuk dengan insiden pemukulan oleh sakura.[7] Yamato yang kesal karena tidak adanya kerjasama tim mengurung mereka bertiga dengan jutsunya, agar mereka akrab satu sama lain. [8]Akhirnya mereka sampai di jembatan. [9]
Tetapi penyamaran Yamato terbongkar[10] dan terjadilah pertarungan antara Kabuto dan Orochimaru melawan tim Yamato.[11] Naruto yang dilanda amarah melepaskan kekuatan kyuubi hingga ekor 4. [12][13][14]Kekuatannya yang dahsyat membuat Orochimaru yang sudah sembuh kewalahan. Akhirnya Orochimaru mundur bersama Kabuto dan Sai yang berkhianat. Naruto yang masih mengamuk akhirnya berhasil ditenangkan oleh Yamato menggunakan kekuatan pohon miliknya. Naruto yang sudah sadar dinasihati oleh Yamato agar jangan terlalu bergantung pada kekuatan Kyuubi.[15] Mereka lalu meneruskan perjalanan dan menemukan buku harian Sai yang agak aneh.[16] Setelah mereka sampai ke persembunyian Orochimaru, mereka dihadang oleh Kabuto. Tanpa diduga, Sai membantu tim Yamato karena tergugah dengan ikatan antara Naruto dan Sasuke.[17] Mereka lalu mencari Sasuke. Naruto bersama sai malah bertemu dengan Orochimaru, dan Naruto menyuruh Sai (yang misi utamanya adalah membunuh Sasuke) untuk mencari Sasuke. Setelah bertemu Sasuke, Sasuke malah menyerang Sai dan mengatakan pada Naruto bahwa diantara mereka sudah tidak ada ikatan.[18] Orochimaru lalu menyuruh Sasuke dan Kabuto untuk menyingkir sementara waktu.[19]
Lalu Konfrontasi Akatsuki

Setelah Naruto kembali dari persembunyian Orochimaru, dia menemui Kakashi di rumah sakit. Dia lalu diberi tahu bahwa dia bisa menjadi ninja yang amat kuat dengan metode latihan yang diberikan Kakashi.[20] Dilain pihak, dua orang Akatsuki bernama Hidan dan Kakuzu menyerang kuil api desa Konoha dan menghabisi hampir semua pendeta disana. Naruto yang tidak tahu-menahu hal tersebut meneruskan latihannya. Pertama-tama dia harus bisa memotong daun menggunakan chakra miliknya. Setelah berhasil, dia lalu diberi ujian memotong air terjun yang dibuat oleh Yamato. Tidak berapa lama, dia mendengar berita kematian Asuma dan bertekad menjadi lebih kuat lagi dan menyelesaikan latihannya.
Naruto lalu memasuki tahap akhir latihan, memasukkan chakra angin miliknya kedalam rasengan. Awalnya dia kesulitan memasukkannya. Dia lalu menggunakan kagebunshin untuk membantunya memasukkan chakra miliknya. Setelah berhasil, dia lalu berangkat membantu tim Kakashi, Shikamaru, Chouji dan Ino menghadapi Hidan dan Kakuzu. Pertama-tama Naruto kesulitan mengenai musuhnya dengan rasenshuriken, jurus barunya karena putarannya yang melemah sebelum sampai ke musuh.[21] Setelah tubuh asli naruto ikut dalam jebakan,akhirnya dia berhasil mengenai Kakuzu dan membuatnya terkapar. Kakuzu akhirnya dihabisi oleh Kakashi. Kakashi mengatakan kalau Naruto benar-benar melampauinya dan penyebab tekadnya ialah keinginannya untuk menjadi lebih kuat dari Sasuke dan mengembalikannya ke Konoha.[22]
Setelah mengetahui tujuan Sasuke yang sebenarnya, Naruto bertekad untuk menemui Itachi, berharap bertemu kembali dengan Sasuke kembali.
Saat ini, Naruto dalam misi mencari Sasuke dan mengembalikannya lagi, tanpa disangka, salah satu klon bayangan yang dilepaskan oleh Naruto berhasil menemukannya, tetapi segera dihancurkan oleh Chidori Sasuke. Naruto yang akhirnya menemukan teman lamanya, bergegas menuju kesana, tetapi dihadang oleh Tobi. Naruto segera menyerang Tobi dengan Rasengan, tetapi yang diserang sepertinya tidak terpengaruh sama sekali.[23]

Sasuke VS Orochimaru
Setelah Naruto mengalahkan Kakuzu, sempat diperlihatkan ada ninja-ninja berjatuhan dan ditengah tengah para ninja diperlihatkan Sasuke sedang duduk dan berbicara bersama Orochimaru. Orochimaru berkata Sasuke masih memiliki belas kasihan karena tidak membunuh para ninja-ninja tersebut. Namun Sasuke dengan tenang menanggapi kata-kata orochimaru dengan berkata bahwa ninja-ninja tersebut bukan yang ingin dia bunuh. dan setelah itu disorot kembali ke Naruto dan Sakura sedang berbincang-bincang di Ichiraku Ramen. Naruto mengalami sedikit cedera tangan akibat terlalu banyak memakai Rasenshuriken. lalu mereka berdua jadi mengenang masa lalu. Kembali kepada Sasuke dan Orochimaru, saat Kabuto sedang berbicara pada Orochimaru bahwa tubuh itu tidak bisa menahannya begitu lama, setelah Kabuto meninggalkan Orochimaru sejenak mendadak Sasuke datang menjebol pintu Orochimaru dan menyerang Orochimaru secara tiba-tiba. Sasuke menjelaskan bahwa sudah tidak ada yang bisa didapati lagi dari Orochimaru sebab Orochimaru lebih lemah daripada dia yang sekarang dan akhirnya dengan pedang kusanagi dan pedang listrik milik sasuke tersebut menghunus Orochimaru dan tubuh Orochimaru pun tewas. namun ternyata Orochimaru menunjukkan wujudnya yang sesungguhnya yaitu wujud ular. Sasuke pun menghadapi Orochimaru dengan sungguh-sungguh dan menggunakan joutai 2nya. tiba-tiba Orochimaru terkenang masa lalu dan mengingat saat kematian kedua orang tuanya dan Orochimaru mengambil tubuh Sasuke dalam tubuh Orochimaru ada dimensi lain yang digunakan untuk mengambil tubuh orang lain. hal ini pernah terjadi pada Itachi namun Orochimaru gagal mendapatkannya karena sharingan Itachi yang terlalu kuat. Setelah itu, ular tersebut memuntahkan tubuh Sasuke. Masih dipertanyakan apakah itu Sasuke atau Orochimaru. Namun ternyata itu adalah Sasuke yang berhasil lolos dari Orochimaru dengan menggunakan sharingannya.
Pencarian Itachi
Sasuke berjalan ke laborotarium Orochimaru dan membebaskan satu eksperimen yang bernama Suigetsu. Lalu sasuke dan Suigetsu pergi untuk mengambil pedang Zabuza. Mereka pergi ke penjara milik Orochimaru yang dijaga oleh Karin, setelah Sasuke menyuruh Suigetsu untuk membebaskan para tawanan, lalu Karin pergi bersama Sasuke dan suigetsu. sasuke sedang mencari satu orang lagi untuk diajak bergabung dengan teamnya, yang bertujuan untuk membunuh Itachi. satu orang lagi tersebut diperkirakan Juugo. Juugo keras kepala dan menyerang Sasuke dengan joutai 2 nya. Dia mengubah tangannya menjadi besar dan menyerang Sasuke namun ditahan oleh sayap milik Sasuke, Suigetsu datang dan bertarung melawan Juugo. Juugo mengubah tangannya mnjadi kapak dan menghadapi pedang Zanbato milik Suigetsu (yg dulunya milik Zabuza). Tiba-tiba Sasuke mengeluarkan dua ular dan berkata "bagaimana kalau aku membunuh kalian berdua". Mereka berdua berhenti bertarung. Juugo menjadi ketakutan dan berkata "kunci pintunya !! Aku tidak ingin membunuh lagiii!!". saat Sasuke mau menenangkan hati Juugo.. Karin menjelaskan bahwa hanya Kimimaro yang dapat menenangkan hati Juugo. Hanya Kimimaro yang berhasil melawan juugo tanpa terluka. Akhirnya ketika juugo mengetahui bahwa orang yang mengajaknya bergabung itu Uchiha Sasuke. Sasuke menjelaskan bahwa nama timnya "Hebi" yg artinya ular. Tujuan utamanya adalah "Uchiha Itachi." Masing-masing punya tujuan tersendiri. Sasuke bertujuan membunuh Itachi. Suigetsu bertujuan mendapatkan Samehada yg merupakan pedang milik Kisame. Karin bertujuan untuk bersama dengan Sasuke dan membantu Sasuke. Juugo bertujuan untuk melihat seberapa kuat Shinobi seperti Sasuke dan disisi lain Naruto yang mengetahui Sasuke telah mengalahkan Orochimaru juga berniat mengejar Itachi untuk bisa mengetahui tentang Sasuke. Saat itu disorot potongan Itachi sedang berdiri disuatu tebing bersama Kisame sambil memandangi hujan dan berkata "nampaknya akan ada badai". Sementara itu, di markas Akatsuki anggota yang tersisa memutuskan untuk mencari Naruto langsung dan membereskan mereka. Karena ketua Akatsuki melihat kalau ninja dari Konoha merupakan ancaman serius bagi mereka, belum lagi pleton Sasuke yang mengincar Itachi. Mereka lalu bergerak berempat sekaligus untuk mencegah hal yang terjadi pada Hidan dan Kakuzu tidak terulang. Naruto yang sudah ingin segera menghabisi Itachi lalu diberi misi bersama tim barunya yang berjumlah 8 orang. Mereka diberi misi menangkap dan menginterogasi Itachi Uchiha. Tim tersebut berisikan Kakashi Hatake, Yamato, Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki, Sai, Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame dan Hinata Hyuga. Akhirnya mereka saling bunuh. Sasuke bertemu dengan Obito dan Deidara. Sedangkan Naruto tanpa diduga bertemu Kabuto yang juga tak disangka-sangka memberinya informasi. Dia lalu menunjukkan setengah wajahnya yang katanya sudah diintegrasikan dengan jiwa Orochimaru. Sasuke yang telah bertemu dengan deidara pun melakukan pertarungan tingkat tinggi. Deidara mengeluarkan sebuah jurus rahasianya yang ia katakan hanya ia pakai sat ia melawan itachi. Deidara memakan tanah liat miliknya dan membuat replika tubuhnya. Sasuke yang melihat replika itu menyangka itu adalah bom besar, tapi ternyata itu adalah suatu bom yang membuat benda di sekitar daerah itu menjadi lenyap berkeping-keping. Sasuke yang sudah membaca jurus itu membuat duplikat seolah-olah ia terkena jurus itu. lalu ketika Deidara terkagum karena telah mengalahkan Sasuke, tapi serangan mendadak langsung dilancarkan oleh Sasuke. Pertarungan mereka diakhiri dengan sebuah ledakan bunuh diri oleh Deidara. Naruto, kelompok Naruto dan juga anggota Akatsuki lainnya merasakan kekuatan dari chakra Deidara, Naruto dan kelompok lainnya segera menuju tempat ledakan itu. Suigetsu mengeluarkan gulungan yang bergambar ular seketika keluarlah Manda yang terkena genjutsu oleh Sasuke

Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

Naruto Shippuden 112 Akatsuki Bijuu in Arrest

Lakeside disordered. Wood in the house, the rest is in Konoha. Sakura Ino treat.

the chuunin

Ino: Oops

Sakura: Hold a little. This will be a pain.

Ino: Thank you Sakura.

Sakura: once in the wound. I will do

Naruto: Sakura chan. How Yuukimaru circumstances?

Shizune caring Yuukimaru

Sakura: Currently, Shizune senpai are to take care


Hinata: very. Circulation system chakra ...

Naruto asks Yuukimaru

Shizune: Yes. Bodies are damaged. Even after diobatipun, will be impossible to restore it to its original state. Seems to be the ability to control Sanbi truly high-risk. Yuukimaru in the body.

Kakashi: Jutsu is the age?

Shizune: Yes. I am not 100% sure to be thorough examination. But it seems Yuukimaru no longer have the strength he had.

Yamato: We lost the only opportunity to control Sanbi.

Kakashi: Maybe for this, it's really like there ...


Yuukimaru still unconscious

Shizune, Hinata, Yamato and Kakashi out of the room Yuukimaru.

Naruto: Shizune Nee chan, how Yuukimaru?

Shizune: She lived. But still sick ...

Naruto and Sakura entered the room Yuukimaru.

Sakura: he survived.

Naruto: Yes .. But ... I am not able to help him ...

Sakura: What?

Communication via the Hokage Katsuyu

Naruto: I said on the stupid that "Wherever you think someone in here place back then ...." But right in front of his eyes, he was losing its place again ...

Sakura: That is not your false.

Naruto: Stay only.

Naruto's memory

Yuukimaru: Guren san is my place back. And I am the Guren san will again.

Guren: I promise ... I will not let you alone. I will always be of you.

Yuukimaru: Yes. And I will always think Guren san. Start now. Forever ...


Sakura: Naruto ...

Naruto: I am sorry. Yuukimaru ...


Katsuyu are talking with Tsunade. At the same time Katsuyu are talking with Kakashi cs.

Katsuyu: Such is the situation with Tsunade.


Hokage: So ya ... I understand. Katsuyu, all ordered to return.

Katsuyu: You sure?

Hokage: We have no other choice. Will is not possible for them to continue the mission. Now the children have lost their strength. Orochimaru can not do anything more with the Bijuu. We are back now, come together again and think about the new plan.

Katsuyu: but Orochimaru is not the only one who pursue Sanbi ...

Naruto cs

Hokage: I actually know will it. But Sanbi opponent is giving us many problems at this time. Even Akatsuki will also not easy to face. .. I will send a ninja to replace them as soon as possible. When they arrived, all ordered to return.

announced the Hokage kakashi

Katsuyu: Okay.


Katsuyu: Tsunade, that's the same command.

Shizune: understand.

Kakashi: we will announce soon on everything.



Kakashi: We got a new command of the Hokage. We will stop our mission now. The command to us is returned to the village as soon as possible.

Ninja: Hah ... What?

Kiba: Hey. Do not leave anything Sanbi?

Guren alive

Yamato: We do not need to worry that matter. They send a ninja to replace us and keep monitoring.

Kiba: but still it ...!

Shizune: I still just do not have that can we do if we stay here. Overall already suffered so many injuries. Tsunade has determined that the same will be more effective if we bring back the information we get at this time ago to use it to plan the future.

Kakashi: We will be leaving tomorrow morning.



Sleep all night. Yuukimaru sleeps with a cracked crystal tsubaki worse. Meanwhile, in the bottom of the lake. Cob mud seems to save Guren.

Gozu: Guren san. .. San Guren

Guren: Gozu? Why you? Why you save me.

Gozu: Do you remember that day ...? I left alone after control lost during the trial Orochimaru .. I have not given any food or drink. I almost died thirsty. Then you come with me to give smile full water. That is why I am able to survive. Since that time, I ...

Guren: I do not even remember. I am sure are coming good.

Gozu: However, I always proud you since then.


Yuukimaru awakened ago tsubaki see the crystal and the light slowly disappeared broke.

Yuukimaru: Guren san.

Naruto Yuukimaru search


Naruto, and awakened Yuukimaru have found nothing.

Naruto: huh? Yuukimaru? Damn!

Naruto ran out. Yamato and Kakashi Kakashi awakened but did not seem to care and return to bed.

Yamato: Senpai


Naruto find crystal tsubaki

Naruto ran in the forest.

Naruto: damn! Where he went. Body ... not in a condition to ... .... Yuukimaru. Shit.

Naruto heard lay leaves.

Naruto: Songs leaf? Yuukimaru it possible? Go back! Yuukimaru!


Naruto: Yuukimaru! Where are you, Yuukimaru? Damn .. This is all my false...... Yuukimaru


Naruto saw a red light in the thicket. And in fact it is crystal tsubaki.

Naruto: This is .... Why does he leave something sepenting this ...?

Naruto smiled to see the crystal that is now no ret will at all.

Naruto: There is no iota of scratches ... I understand .. So, so ....


Same morning

Discuss Yuukimaru lost

Kiba: Yuukimaru disappear?.

Shizune: How can he move with the condition?

Kiba: Hey Naruto, You're there in the room with him eh?

Naruto: Yes please

Kiba: Hah? How can you call yourself Shinobi? As should be a Genin.

Naruto: Diamlah. You also own fall, know!

Wonder attitude Naruto

Kiba: You're this; do not identify me with the stamina to its chilling like you!

Sakura: debate will not bring change ... but I am concerned Yuukimaru. He was no where to go and ....

kakashi prepared

Lee: We can not let you. Let's find him!

Tenten: Agree!

Shino: It is not important. The reason is ... Because children who have lost their power to control Sanbi no longer a threat to us.

Lee: Not the problem.

Kakashi: No. Shino correct. We have no business to look for children who are vague.


Yamato: Moreover we are ordered to return.

Lee: But ...! How your think Naruto kun?

Naruto: Yes, I have nothing in fear. He can keep himself.

Sakura: Naruto ?????

All answers on the wonder Naruto


Kakashi: We should hurry.

Some ANBU arrived.

ANBU: sorry makes you wait, Kakashi san.


Orochimaru and Kabuto

Orochimaru hideout

Orochimaru: I hope we can disrupt Akatsuki ...

Kabuto: sorry. I do not consider the intervention of Konoha.

Orochimaru: Then, what about the woman ... What Guren die?

Kabuto: Unfortunately yes. In fact he has the ability which is very interesting.

Orochimaru: It looks like you seriously. While you may own the right to kill him?

Kabuto: That the sky is prohibited.

Orochimaru: Well. Never mind. We can find much replacement for someone with ability.

Kabuto: But Yuukimaru ...

Orochimaru pain

Orochimaru: never. Present. (Orochimaru cough)

Kabuto: Orochimaru same! I will bring soon!

Kabuto ran to take medications.

Kabuto: Body limit has been reached ...

Orochimaru: At this time, it means no more ... For a moment, I'll have the body ...


Tobi and Deidara

Yamato make him the tree wood. Far above the canyon, three figures attention to the team Konoha will again. Figures of women smiling. Naruto to see her in three directions.

Sakura: It's what, Naruto?

Naruto: Not. There is nothing ...


Yuukimaru, Guren and Gozu running far.

Boom clay


Two people are monitoring the ANBU

ANBU1: What are regular reports?

ANBU2: Yes ...

ANBU1: There is fog. According to the team that we change, the possibility was created by Sanbi. This fog can cause hallucination, so be careful.

Deidara: That is news for me, hmm ....


Deidara suddenly is behind them. ANBU avoid

ANBU2: You! Cloak ...

Spider clay has suddenly sit in the shoulder ANBU

ANBU: shit

Spider clay explodes.

Tobi: Wow. Deidara senpai, before the extravaganza! That last search.

Deidara: Your information already stale. "Konoha forces separate from the guard in the jockey Sanbi" Is not it your say?


Tobi: Yes please. Weird ... so should be also. But it's good if there is no longer a bother us. Let us complete our task now while there is opportunity.

Deidara: You're a hundred years younger for the given command.

Deidara makes clay birds

Tobi: H.h hey. Senpai! Do you hear about hallucination earlier?

Deidara: You think you're talking with whom? Do not say my art!


Tobi: Hhhh. He was really ill-natured ...

Deidara clay birds fly above the lake

Deidara: Lake is also knowledgeable to find Sanbi. It seems that should be big surprises

Deidara clay cast too many insects in the lake. Individual insects into the water. Not long after. Explosion for the explosion emerged from the lake. Sanbi any exit.

Tobi: If observed, it seems like a giant turtle. Very strong...

Sanbi pursue Tobi

Deidara: So this is Sanbi.

Tobi: Kurasa should I give you to finish him, Deidara senpai.

Deidara: Tobi. You have officially become a member of Akatsuki?

Tobi: Oops.

Sanbi attack. Tobi ran eschew. Deidara see from the air.

Fish clay

Tobi: (run) He came! Because he was being water, what should not be ordered Kisame.

Tobi Sanbi makes entry into the water.

Deidara: incommode course.

Deidara: Tobi create fish that pursue Sanbi clay.

Deidara: Katsu!

Large explosion occurred.

Fish clay will explode


Katsuyu: Is there something?

Hokage: No.

Katsuyu: It seems all has entered the Hi no Kuni safely.

Hokage: So. good. You may return Katsuyu.

Katsuyu: Okay.


Katsuyu disappeared. Hokage forward to read the book. Hands tremble.


Akatsuki successfully overcome Sanbi

Tobi: I was successful! Banzai ... Banzai! Deidara. My jutsu what you see? Only at once and bam! You can understand why I am given this important task right after I officially became a member of Akatsuki?

Sanbi less

Deidara: No. That may be because the my bomb make beautiful art. You must be grateful to my art. Hmm. Do not forget that I help you. If you Akatsuki members, not more talk and more be cool or uncool. In other words with the same cool art or art. Listen, art is the moment

passionate emotions that come from the cool-!

Tobi: Senpai You talk a lot. Hahahaha


Deidara peeved.

Tobi: I am just kidding!

Explosion occurred


ANBU3: What?

ANBU4: No. ... The only reports from the team monitoring the lake later in ya.

ANBU suspicious

ANBU3: Let's create a report for the guard.


Akatsuki are brought Sanbi

Deidara: Tobi Listen. You should not restrain your lucky! Sanbi was weak because he did not have a wet nurse jinchuuriki. He did not have the strength to think about. Hey Tobi. Do not showboat too cool if we're talking. At least I am responsible!

Sanbi brought

Deidara increased bird

Tobi sleep and delirious

Explosion occurred

Deidara: It's time to wake up. You scoundrel!


Team up

Kiba: Wow. It seems like forever not to go home.

Shino: We've just run the length of the mission ...

Naruto: Dinner at Ichira!

Sakura: Naruto.

Naruto: Hah?

Sakura: What About ... Yuukimaru sure you like better? You're usually very take to worry.

Sakura and naruto

Naruto: do not do anything. Moreover even if we find it, he will not be easily found.

Sakura: What is the mean.

Naruto: words Ero Sennin indeed correct. She said someone wherever we are considering, we here place again. If you believe and keep thinking about him ... will your feel up on, he said.

Naruto take crystal tsubaki

Sakura: What? .. Is this right ... .. Means ..?

Naruto: That's why we must also remain understand. We need to create a place for Sasuke again.

25 July 2009

Naruto Shippuden 111 Bijuu Sanbi

Sanbi start in kekkai Shizune cs.
Shizune: Overall ... Fuin will complete shortly. Hold on focus on this until you are finished.
Sakura cs: Good.
Sanbi in kekkai.
Kakashi cs team running approach Fuin. Suddenly behind them. Nurari, Kihou and Kigiri join into a huge monster. To see Lee back

Sanbi trapped

Lee: What is? Tenten. There are monster behind us!
Tenten: Hah! What is?
Yamato: Kakashi senpai! What is ..?
Kakashi: once they are persistent.
Lee: This my turn reply to them before.
Tenten: Lee, not physical attacks work on the Si is flexible.
Shino: My attack also
Kiba: shit.
Sai: We submit this in the second jounin.
Monster Nurari cs changed into a ball ago giant crane boom flexure

Cs so Nurari monster

Face new Nurari cs

Monster shot Nurari

Sai: This is called "unsavory"
Nurari cs: We'll punish you.
One arm of the monster out Nurari barrel-barrel weapon to shoot Kihou ago Kakashi cs
Kiba: Hah?
Kakashi cs avoid fire.

Kakashi vs Monster Nurari

Kakashi: They were really disgusting....

Naruto, Guren, Kabuto and Yuukimaru

Naruto vs Kabuto

Guren: What happens to Rinji?
Kakashi: Rinji has become part of mu collection some time ago.
Naruto: What?
Kabuto: He was very fussy.
Retention Kabuto
Rinji: Continuing ...? I will be happy if I became a person who will report on the same Orochimaru ...
Kabuto: You?
Rinji: I have to do many things for you as your eye-eye.
Kabuto preparing attack
Kabuto: Orochimaru same not need other people besides me to attend.
Naruto: shit! So for you that this plan ...
Kabuto: Yes. Orochimaru is the same person who is very great. Everything was running according prediction. Guren and Yuukimaru heart into such a strong bound. They now trust one another as a place to return. Now, if this bond near fatal tercabik by their relationship. Anger issue Yuukimaru will explosion strength. That is the plan ... but, although he was aware that Guren that killed her parents ... anger Yuukimaru not occur. Why? Why is that? Human feeling is so strange?
Naruto: You're Not ... forgive!
Naruto Kabuto attack. Naruto Kabuto successful kick.
Naruto: What do you do with the feelings Guren and Yuukimaru? You should not play with the feelings of someone!
Naruto Kabuto attack. Naruto Kabuto successful throw.
Naruto: What are you trying to do?
Kabuto: Not only Konoha or Akatsuki ... but all Gakure no Sato will soon scramble and chaos occurs.
Kabuto attack but Naruto can repel attack.
Kabuto: Orochimaru same beautiful view of the future is ... That is Sanbi ... ... Yuukimaru
Naruto: All waste is only for me. .... Guren. Go with Yuukimaru. Present at that can protect you.
Guren: I will protect it with my life.
Guren going to bring Yuukimaru. Kabuto Naruto will pursue but hinder.
Naruto: I will not let you.

Kabuto roll out

Rinji zombi

Guren protect Yuukimaru

Kabuto bite and scratch with finger blood on a roll.
Kabuto: Shikon no Jutsu!
Kabuto cast reels and reels to Guren is changed to Rinji.
Rinji: Guren ..
Guren: Rinji!
Rinji attack, Guren avoid. Guren down Yuukimaru.
Guren: I promise to protect you. I will not fail.
Yuukimaru: Guren san
Guren: Shoton Kurenai no Kajitsu
Crystal coating to guard Yuukimaru coop.
Yuukimaru: Guren san
Guren: Do not worry. I will be back soon. So wait here.
Yuukimaru: Hah?
Yuukimaru remember his mother.
Retention Yuukimaru
Mother Yuukimaru: Wait here. I will be back for you whatever happens
Maternal Speech Yuukimaru spoken Guren.
Yuukimaru: do not go Guren san. Kaulah the only place I must return.

Rinji infected but can pass shoton

Guren: Do not worry. I will not die.
Rinji attack. Guren make Rinji mengkristal feet. Rinji hand and seal to appear bat-bats ago Kristal Guren broken.
Guren: What?

bat Rinji

Destroying bats shoton

Guren tired

Rinji: useless. Polyhedron, if the crystal forms that is identical to join in a uniform pattern. I can stop the formation of Crystal jar with ultrasonic waves through the air my bat. Yes. Shoton you are not a threat for me.
Guren create Crystal knife but a knife is destroyed.
Rinji: Already I said useless.
Guren: You still baffle even dead.
Rinji bats that protect the Crystal Yuukimaru. Guren drop.
Rinji: After Guren. Now you .... Yuukimaru.
Yuukimaru: Huh?
Guren vomiting blood.
Guren: No. You should not.
Guren attack Rinji
Guren: I will protect Guren with betting my life.
Yuukimaru: Guren san!
Guren impound it and Rinji in shoton

Guren impound it and Rinji in shoton

Rinji: Shoton you will not be useful again. There is no means for the dead.
Guren will seal to hold hands but Guren hands Rinji.
Guren: Now you can not manipulate? Shoton ... ..
Guren feet and Rinji start crystal
Rinji: What?
Guren: Return to hereafter as soon as possible!

Yuukimaru keep the crystal in order to not fall

Crystal body wrap Guren and Rinji.
Naruto: Guren!
Crystals that wrap Rinji will Guren and fall to the lake
Yuukimaru: No

Emotions explode Yuukimaru

Yuukimaru try to maintain that Crystal did not fall to the lake, but also eventually fall.
Yuukimaru: do not go ...
Kabuto: Jutsu has been broken.
Naruto: That's .... Not possible .... You say ... you will protect Yuukimaru ...!
Tsubaki crystals of Guren broken. Yuukimaru anger explode. Yuukimaru issue chakra blue sky.
Naruto: Yuukimaru!

Sanbi so wild

Kakashi and Yamato vs. Monster Nurari

Shizune: Sanbi will soon tired. At that time we will be finished.
Suddenly tempestuous lake.
Shizune: What? ... Where Sanbi get this strength?
Katsuyu: I do not know, but it seems chakra Sanbi suddenly increased!
Amukan Sanbi successfully penetrate kekkai Shizune cs. Shizune throw by waves that occur due to lunge Sanbi. Kakashi and Yamato are still busy fighting monster Nurari cs.
Kakashi: Yamato, Mokuton to use stop him. I will kill him.
Yamato: Fine.
Yamato makes wood-wood to restrict space monster Nurari
Kakashi: Raikiri!

Sanbi hoof Nurari Monster

Sanbi rage

Before the attack with Kakashi will raikiri. Sanbi jump and pound monster will Nurari. Kakashi and Yamato soon avoid. Monster Nurari a trapped timber Yamato can not move. Monster Nurari cs Sanbi struck down and destroyed. Sanbi move towards Yuukimaru.
Naruto tries to log

Naruto tries to log

Yamato: Kakashi senpai
Kakashi: yes ... (On Tenten cs) Search Fuin team and they delivered!
Tenten cs: Fine.
Sanbi start to the mainland and near Yuukimaru
Naruto: Sanbi?
Kabuto: Guren moment he lost that have a strong bond with her .. When that is the power latent Yuukimaru out. It seems that sadness because the return loss of a place so big.
Naruto: Yuukimaru. Stop ..! This is not good.
Naruto tried to penetrate layers Yuukimaru chakra but can not

Kabuto monitor Sanbi

Sanbi to land

Naruto: Hah? Yuukimaru! What you can hear me? Yuukimaru! I .. Naruto! Please note I am! Yuukimaru .. Damn .. Calm kah!
Naruto: Yuukimaru.
Sanbi start fire with water cannon from the nose to the place around.

Rasengan which means there is no

Kabuto: kill them all! Destroy them!
Kabuto went.
Naruto: I must stop it. Taju kage no jutsu bunshin. Ayo.
Naruto kage bunshin create many. Each make and rasengan attack Sanbi. Sanbi easily spend all bunshin Naruto kage.
Naruto: shit. My rasengan superfluous. And I also can not use fuuton Rasen shuriken. How should I .... Kuchiyose no jutsu

Gamatatsu and Gamarichi

Gamatatsu and Gamakichi appear.
Gamatatsu: huh? Nii chan. That is Sanbi?
Gamakichi: it seems all is beyond the control ..
Naruto: If I am not so will not call you. Gamatatsu, prepare toad water pistol.
Gamatatsu: Okay.
Gamakichi: Gamatatsu wait.
Gamatatsu: huh?
Naruto: What? We are in a hurry here!
Gamakichi: try to think. If the opponent is a bijuu Kyodaigame who live in this lake. If you increase the strength of the fuuton, what the impact on the Gama Teppu which is Suiton no Jutsu? To overcome Suiton you need Doton.
Sanbi still shoot shot with storm water.
Naruto: if we are still talking only about the environment will be destroyed. I only have fuuton, so I have no other options ... .. Fuuton?

Gamakichi to advise

Naruto's memory
Naruto: So I am a good opponent for Sasuke yah?
Yamato: yah. Kaminari it can be defeated by your Kaze.
Naruto: boloney my mean it. My mean, Kaze only strength which can overcome the power of hi and make them even more powerful.

Naruto: Katon
Gamakichi: What's with Katon?
Naruto: If we have Katon, with Kaze I will then ..
Gamakichi: I can ..
Naruto: What? Katon can you?
Gamakichi: Yes. I can!
Naruto: Why do not you from yesteryear?
Gamakichi: You do not ask! Then there is the Katon?
Naruto: Oh. Katon!
Gamakichi: Why?
Naruto: shit. Earlier this I think good idea ..
Gamakichi: if I have what?
Naruto: Not .. Earlier I think Hi we can help make it stronger and with my Kaze. But, the weak against Mizu Hi.
Gamakichi: Oh that. If Suiton stronger than Katon. Hi we have to make a stronger again so that its vapor Mizu
Naruto: Hah?
Gamakichi: Hey, Gamatatsu!
Gamatatsu: What Nii chan?
Gamakichi: go back to the village and drink as much as the frog oil you can. Okay. Your time a minute. I will call you one more minute.
Gamatatsu: Good.
Naruto: Oh So .. If you replace the water with oil to attack with Gama Teppu, the oil will spread wherever. Then you will burn the oil with your Katon.
Gamakichi: True. We can use the same timing as Gama Teppu and we do not need to practice first.
Naruto: Well. This will work ... .... Yuukimaru. .... Guren ... that I can not promise you I promise ... but will true for you.
Gamakichi: Naruto. This has been a minute.
Naruto: Okay. Kuchiyose no jutsu.
Gamakichi: What is time enough?
Gamatatsu: Yah. That.
Gamakichi: Okay. We are ready to Naruto.


Naruto: yah .. Okay, we will use the new collaboration jutsu ... and burning face. Weak point is his eyes. Okay. Prepare ...
Gamakichi: do or die. Failure is not a choice.
Gamatatsu: Both Nii chan.
Sanbi prepared attack.
Naruto: Come on .. Gamatatsu.
Gamatatsu: Oke
Naruto: Korabo Ninjutsu Fuuton Gamayu Endan.

Korabo Ninjutsu Fuuton Gamayu Endan

Gamakichi fire with oil from his mouth and collide with the water from Sanbi.
Naruto: now
Gamakichi issued a fire and burn Sanbi soon.
Gamatatsu: We successfully Nii Chan

Naruto tote Yuukimaru

Gamakichi: yah. You're good.
Sanbi re-entry in the lake.
Naruto: now seems to be already finished.
Gamakichi so if we go ahead.
Naruto: Yah. Thank you
Gamatatsu: Goodbye.
Naruto: Yuukimaru
Chakra Yuukimaru disappeared. Yuukimaru fainting. Naruto take him
Naruto: Yuukimaru. Let's go home together.